So we finally did it! We finished the upstairs bathroom! It's been done for 2 weeks now but I was waiting to take pictures because I haven't got a curtain rod for the curtain yet. I still don't have it but I posted the pics anyway!
This is the only before pic I have of this room, I know it's not very good. The people who lived here before us turned the bathroom into a little tiny bedroom. Ben and Lacy used this bedroom while they lived here(their full size bed just barley fit).
Speaking of kitchens, that's what's next! Labor Day we are starting to rip out our kitchen! Yipee!
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Looks soo Good a lot better than it did. I hope that all is well. have a great day.
Wow! I am sure that you are enjoying it. You two make a great team. I am excited to see before and after's of the kitchen!
We miss you guys!
way to go! you guys are so handy...wanna come dtay w/us 4 a while? :)nice job
WOW your house has so much History in it! That is so awesome! I would love to hear the whole story with your house. Did you inherit the house if so from what side of your family?
No, we didn't inherit our house. We bought it for a really good price because it was a complete dump. The big wrap around porch was also sinking into the ground besides it being a dump. With the help of Ken & Julie (Pete's parents) and Ben & Lacy (Pete's bro & his wife) we have been able to turn it back into the wonderful old house that it is! Thanks Joy for thinking it's awsome! I think so too! We have met several people who lived here at one time or another and it's always fun for me to talk to them, there's so many memeories in this old house.
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